27 Sep

Designathon on Tour: Smart City For Everyone

Bild Designathon 1 Smartcities Dno Tseouldaniel Funes Fuentes 226406 Unsplash

Are you eager to create innovative solutions for the cities of the future? Do you believe in a place built for everyone, sustainable and healthy? Would you like to contribute to new ideas and concepts making our cities smarter?

We are looking for motivated, curious and interested people who enjoy to develop their ideas in a team, in a short-time and competitive environment. We will break up with traditional thinking structures to generate innovative, fresh, visionary but also critical ideas. We will start with thematic inputs and exciting expert talks. Based on your strengths we will help you to match the right people for a strong team. During the event you can join several workshops to get tools for a successful process. After 32 hours you and your team will pitch your concepts. Prizes are awarded in different categories for the best ideas.

For information, please contact the Science and Technology Office of the Embassy of Switzerland or or visit the official website.